We have great news! During this October we added a new update for Geyser and SpyderMax available for our clients. This translates into a significant improvement in data management for AleskaData users.
We included a new 3D Remnant Life Projection module that allows you to view the projection of thousands of data at a glance and freely configurable dynamic scenarios.
We also add a 3D Findings (RER) module which allows you to view in the 3D modul the findings zones detected in field.
As a third part of the update, a mathematical module for analysis of point-to-point measurements and Dynamic Graphic Projection of remaining life has been added.
Finally, multiple tools for 3D visualization have been added, such as: Opacity, sketch and Clipping.
These features are already available in the current version. Thank you for using AleskaData!
Remember, if you need more details about these new features you can write us to contact@aleskadata.com